Question: Hello, I have been meaning to fix my habit and start praying tahajjud prayer as part of my daily night routine. But a friend of mine told me that it’s not really possible to pray Tahajjud without sleeping and it’s a necessity to wake up from sleep to pray tahajjud?


Tahajjud, the night prayer, is a special prayer. It is a voluntary, non-obligatory prayer that only Muslims chosen by Allah are allowed to offer during the latter part of the night, after the obligatory Isha prayer. However, a common question that arises amongst scholars is whether one can pray Tahajjud without first going to sleep.

Traditionally, Tahajjud is recommended to be prayed after a period of sleep, preferably during the latter one-third of the night. This recommendation is based on the actions and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who would often wake up after sleeping and pray Tahajjud. The tradition of seeking sleep before Tahajjud holds several wisdoms. It emphasizes the human need for rest and the rejuvenation of the body and soul. It also serves as a manifestation of one’s sincerity and commitment to stand in prayer during the darkest hours, after having experienced the tranquility of sleep.

However, it is essential to understand that there is no rigid requirement in Islamic jurisprudence that mandates sleep before Tahajjud. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did occasionally pray Tahajjud without sleeping, and this is narrated in authentic Hadiths. So, while the tradition emphasizes sleep, it does not make it an absolute precondition for offering Tahajjud. In short, you can pray Tahajjud without sleeping however it is best to do so.

Remember, Tahajjud is a special gift for the most devoted Muslims by Allah. Any dua made at this time is most likely to be accepted. Focus on consistently praying this prayer and atleast praying 2 rakats is better than not praying at all.

Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr bin Al-`As:

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said to me, “O `Abdullah! Do not be like so and so who used to pray at night and then stopped the night prayer.”

 Sahih al-Bukhari 1152, Book 19, Hadith 33

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