In Islam, regular prayer holds a significant place as an essential act of worship and a means of connecting with Allah. However, when Muslims embark on journeys, we are granted certain concessions to make their religious obligations easier.

One such concession is the ability to pray prayers successively during travel. Another well-known concession that we will also discuss in this article, is the concession of shortening prayers during travel.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to pray Zuhr and Asr together when traveling, ensuring that Muslim travelers can fulfill their religious duties while on the move.

Narrated from Mu’adh bin Jabal:

That the Prophet (ﷺ) combined the Zuhr and ‘Asr, and the Maghrib and ‘Isha’ when traveling during the campaign of Tabuk.

~ Sunan Ibn Majah 1070

Determining Traveler Status in Islamic Jurisprudence

In Islamic jurisprudence, the status of being a traveler holds significant importance when it comes to the permissibility of combining prayers. Understanding the criteria for traveler status is essential to know whether one can avail of the concession to pray Zuhr and Asr together. However, differing opinions among Islamic scholars exist regarding the distance and duration that qualify an individual as a traveler.

Distance Traveled

According to one Abu ‘Abd-Allah [i.e., Imam Ahmad], a person becomes a traveler if they journey a distance of 48 miles (approximately 77 kilometers) or more from their place of residence. This is based on the travels of Ibn-Abbas and Ibn-Umar who would shorten prayers for journeys greater than 16 Farskahs (where one Farsakh is 3 Miles).

There are various Hadith which provide similar evidences, but due to a lack of proper distance calculation during the Prophet’s time, there are some minor differences in the opinions of scholars. Generally speaking however, a majority of scholars agree that around 80 kilometers is when one becomes a traveler, given that other conditions are met.

Under this distance-based opinion, once a person has traveled the specified distance, they are considered a traveler, regardless of the purpose (unless it is for a sinful cause) or duration of their journey. They can then avail the flexibility of combining prayers while on the road.

Factors which can nullify your Traveler Status

There are various other conditions which must be met in order for you to count as a “Traveler”. Here are some additional points to consider.

  1. You must have the intention to stay at your destination for less than 15 days (majority opinion). This rule has several additional concessions. If you originally planned to stay only 10 days, but extended your stay by another 10 days (after the first 10 days passed) you will still count as a Traveler or Musafir. Your “Niyat” is important here. If you are uncertain about the stay of your journey, you will remain a traveler until you have become certain.
  2. The 15-day rule applies to a single location. If you have multiple stopping points in your journey, staying at each location for 10 days at a time, you will remain a Traveler. If the sound of the Azaan can be heard from one stopping point to the other, they will count as a single location.
  3. Several scholars also state that you will not count as a traveler until you have left your town or city of residence. You do not count as a Traveler in the boundaries of your own city.
  4. If you join prayer in congregation behind a local imam (during your travels), it is Wajib for you to perform the full salat, as the imam as doing. You cannot shorten prayer (Qasr) in this manner.

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas:

The Prophet ; once travelled and stayed for nineteen days and offered shortened prayers. So when we travelled (and stayed) for nineteen days, we used to shorten the prayer but if we travelled (and stayed) for a longer period we used to offer the full prayer.

~ Bukhari Vol2, Book 18, Hadith 1080.

Combining Zuhr and Asr together when Traveling

In this section, we will discuss some misconceptions that people have regarding the combining of Zuhr and Asr prayer. We will follow up with a proper explanation on how to pray Zuhr and Asr together when traveling.

Misconceptions about combining Prayer during Traveling

One common misconception is the belief that travelers can combine Zuhr and Asr prayers at any time, allowing them to pray Zuhr during the Asr time or vice versa. This notion, however, is not in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

In our Islamic religion, the combining of prayers during travel is intended to provide flexibility, but it must be done following specific guidelines. It is not permissible to arbitrarily mix the prayer times or pray a particular prayer outside its designated time frame. The order and sequence of combining prayers must be adhered to, and each prayer must be offered within its prescribed time.

So what to do?

How to Pray Zuhr and Asr together when Traveling

When traveling, Muslims can avail the concession of combining prayers, specifically Zuhr and Asr, to ease the burden of maintaining regular prayer routines. However, it is essential to adhere to the correct method of combining prayers, as outlined in Islamic teachings.

Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to perform the combined prayer of Zuhr and Asr while traveling:

  1. Wait for the end-time of Zuhr, then make the Azaan and Iqama (if praying in congregation).
  2. Proceed to pray the shortened Zuhr prayer of two Rakats (preferable) or the complete prayer of 4 Rakats.
  3. Take a short break, and let the Asr time begin.
  4. Make the second Iqama (if praying in congregation) but no Azaan.
  5. Proceed to pray the shortened Asr prayer of two Rakats (preferable) or the complete prayer of 4 Rakats.

You may do the same combining of prayers for Maghrib and Isha, however the Maghrib Prayer and Witr prayer of 3 Rakats cannot be shortened.

Narrated Abdullah bin ‘Umar:

“I saw Allah’s Messenger delaying the Maghrib prayer till he offered it along with the ‘Isha’ prayer whenever he was in a hurry during a journey.” Salim narrated, “Ibn-Umar used to do the same whenever he was in a hurry during a journey.”

~ Bukhari Vol2, Book 18, Hadith 1091.


In conclusion, combining Zuhr and Asr prayers while traveling is a merciful concession provided by Islam to accommodate the needs of travelers. By following the guidelines mentioned above and staying mindful of prayer times, Muslims can fulfill their religious obligations without hindrance, embracing the journey as an opportunity to deepen their faith and strengthen their connection with Allah.

Remember, wherever you may roam, prayer remains a steadfast companion on your spiritual journey.

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